
To acquire the map, begin by clicking the “Download Map” button on the map’s webpage. This action will initiate the download of a compressed ZIP file.

Next, you’ll need to navigate to the Minecraft saves folder on your computer. The location differs depending on your operating system:

Once you’ve located the saves folder, simply drag and drop the downloaded ZIP file into this directory. After completing this step, launch Minecraft. Within your singleplayer worlds, you should now find the newly added map ready for your exploration. Enjoy your adventure!


  1. Access Server Files: First, access your server files either through the control panel provided by your hosting service or via FTP if you prefer a manual approach.
  2. Download the Map: Visit the map’s webpage and click the “Download Map” button; this will download a compressed ZIP file.
  3. Extract the Map: Extract the contents of the ZIP file to reveal the world folder.
  4. Place the World File: Locate the root directory of your Minecraft server. Then, transfer the entire world folder you just extracted into this server directory.
  5. Adjust Server Settings: Open the file within your server. Find the line that reads level-name= and change the value (which is typically ‘world’ by default) to match the name of the folder you uploaded.
  6. Configure Game Mode and Commands: Ensure that the gamemode setting in is set to “adventure,” and verify that enable-command-block is set to “true.”
  7. Download the Resource Pack: On the map’s website, look for the “Download Resource Pack” button. Have all players download this resource pack and install it manually in their Minecraft clients.
  8. Restart the Server: Restart your Minecraft server to apply the changes you made.
  9. Log In and Explore: After the server restarts, log in to your server. You should now find yourself in the new map, ready to embark on your adventure!

Enjoy your custom Minecraft experience!